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Dear HHS Band Students and Parents,

As most of you know, we use an online data management program called Charms Office for much of the administrative work involved with the band and the music boosters.  Everything from communication to fundraising to instrument rentals is handled though Charms.  It’s the system I’m using right now to email you!  Every student has their own Charms account.
Over the weekend, a glitch in the Charms system resulted in some students’ profiles being deleted.  I’ve done my best working with Charms tech support to restore the affected profiles, but we’re noticing that some data has been permanently lost.
Because of this, I am asking that all students and parents take a moment to log into their Charms account and verify that their profile is complete.  Verify names, email addresses, phone numbers, and anything that is not filled in.  If something is incorrect please edit it, or if it is not editable email me the corrected information and I can fix it on my end.
This year, I am hoping to utilize a text message reminder system in Charms for important announcements and reminders.  I’m asking both students and parents to complete the “Cell Phone” information in the profile using your full 10 digit number.  Please make sure you select your cell phone carrier as well.
Since some people’s email addresses may have been lost, I would also appreciate it if you checked in with others in band and asked them to verify their Charms info.
For those of you who have never logged into Charms or need a reminder, the instructions are below.  Thank you for your help and attention to this matter.

In order to log into Charms:

  •  Go to and click on the “Enter” button in the top right corner of the page.
  •  In the “Parents/Students/Members” area, enter “hockinsonband” in the school code box and click “Enter.”
  •  Your “Student Area” password should be your last name and first initial, all one word (for example, Corey McEnry would be mcenryc). If you have logged into Charms in the past, you may have changed your password. Enter the new password you have chosen. If you have forgotten your password or are having trouble, email Mr. McEnry and he will reset your account.
  • Once you are in the student area, be sure to change your password (blue button at the bottom of the page) and update your personal information. This info is what Mr. McEnry or the Music Boosters will use to contact you, so be sure to check carefully for errors.

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