Dear Band Students and Parents,
Students will be put into “pods” of no more than 6. For band purposes this will most likely be your sectionmates.
- These pods should remain homogenous, meaning students cannot bounce from group to group.
- Only one pod per facility at a time. For our purposes, our facilities include:
- Main Band Room (max. 6)
- Jazz Band room (max. 6)
- Practice Rooms 1-3 (max. 1)
- Practice Room 4 (max. 2)
- Sections may also practice outdoors depending on weather, utilizing covered areas such as the stadium bleachers, main entryway to the building, and bus loop entryway. 1 group per space, no more than 6 to a group.
- All students must complete and document a pre-practice screening and check in with the trainer before starting practice. This will happen in room 214. Use the exterior door next to the auditorium.
Any person with symptoms will not be allowed to participate until cleared by a health-care professional.
- All practices can last no longer than 1 hour, excluding check-in time.
All students must wear masks – all wind players must also use bell covers.
Students must wash hands or use hand sanitizer upon arrival and prior to beginning any activity.
To minimize exposure, only students will be permitted on campus during workouts. Parents must leave campus or wait in their cars until practice concludes.
All individuals must observe proper social distancing spacing a minimum of 6 feet.
All chairs, music stands, and percussion equipment should be cleaned after each individual use and prior to the next group.
Water fountains are not to be used, everyone must have their own individual water bottle.
There should be no high-fives, fist bumps, handshakes, hugs or group celebrations.
Brass should empty their water keys directly into a garbage can or into a paper towel which is immediately thrown away.
Students should wear appropriate clothing which should be washed and cleaned after every practice.
A positive COVID test from a participating student will result in a suspension of activities for all band groups for a 2 week quarantine period.
Choosing not to participate in in-person practices cannot be held against a student.
Corey McEnry