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School Closure Band Update #3

Hi Everyone Well, yesterday’s news was certainly not what I wanted to hear.  Instead of typing a long message about how I’m feeling, I decided to try out recording a video message to all of you (students and parents).  Here’s a link to the video, or better yet view it on our Facebook page (  Our student Band Council officers will also be posting it to the band’s Instagram account ( because they’re cooler than me.  Make sure you watch the entire video so you hear my special weekly challenge for all of you! Distance Learning Starts Tomorrow As you are probably aware, tomorrow the high school really starts gearing up for distance learning.  Please do your best to work through… Read More »School Closure Band Update #3

Spring Plant Sale Going On Now Until April 15th!

ORDER ONLINE BY CLICKING HERE Hello Hockinson Band parents and students! Last week we were scheduled to begin our annual Spring plant sale. After several booster discussions it was decided that even though the school is currently closed, the boosters would like to provide the opportunity for those families who would still like to order plants to do so. We have been in contact with New Leaf Greenhouse and many schools in our similar situation are proceeding with this fundraiser. The music boosters will be devising plans in the next few weeks to coordinate the pick up of your orders in the event that social distancing is still recommended on delivery pick up day, scheduled for Saturday,  May 9th. In light of the current… Read More »Spring Plant Sale Going On Now Until April 15th!

School Closure Band Update #2

March 23, 2020   Dear HHS Band Students and Parents,   I hope that you and your family are well and are able to stay safe.  I wanted to provide all of you with an update as to where we stand in all of our band classes.  This email will cover details for all band classes. I know it’s long, but please read the whole thing.  I’m hoping parents and students will read together so you can decide on the best way to stay busy at home for the next month!   Complete Your Concert Critique Before we left for our unexpected quarantine every band student had been assigned a Concert Critique to do for our Clackamas Band Festival performance. … Read More »School Closure Band Update #2

School Closure Band Update #1

Dear HHS Band Parents and Students,   I hope you’re staying safe and healthy at home.  I wanted to highlight some important details related to band and this unprecedented school closure.  Please don’t hesitate to email me back if you have any questions.   First of all, I want to assure all travelers for the New York trip I am still working with EDT on finding a new travel window for us.  When something is decided I will let you know.  At this point, we’re still waiting for things to settle down before we think about locking in a date.   The following band performances have been cancelled: March 17 Spring Concert (may be rescheduled) April 7 Music Booster Meeting (we… Read More »School Closure Band Update #1

8th Grade Forecasting Information

Dear Current 8th Grade Band Students and Parents,   Can you believe it?  We’re just over halfway through your 8th grade year and already talking about next year!  I hope you’re as excited as I am to become the newest members of the award-winning Hockinson High School Band!   This morning, I was fortunate to get to speak with all of the band classes.  I will also be attending the 8th Grade Forecasting Night at the high school on Tuesday, February 18 at 6pm.  Since I’m sure not everyone who has questions about band will be able to attend that event, I thought I would share this information with you.  If you have any further questions, PLEASE don’t hesitate to email me at  I’m here to help!  … Read More »8th Grade Forecasting Information