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ACTION REQUIRED: RSVP for Band Camp 2024

Hello Band Students and Parents! All new and returning band students:  Please fill out this form to confirm your status for band camp.  I would appreciate you doing so as soon as possible, or at least by August 1.  Since I know not everyone checks their email regularly over the summer, PLEASE ask others you know in band if they received this email.  If you are receiving this email but have decided not to continue with band this year (and I hope that’s not the case), please indicate in the form above so that I can remove you from our mailings and update my rosters accordingly. I am in the process of writing our first halftime show that we will learn at band camp and need an accurate headcount in order to make sure that the music and… Read More »ACTION REQUIRED: RSVP for Band Camp 2024

HELP NEEDED: HHS Music Booster Fireworks Stand June 27-July 5

Thank you to all the parents and students who attended our fireworks stand meeting on June 11.  Here are links to documents shared at tonight’s meeting: Fireworks Stand Meeting Fireworks Job Descriptions Any parents or students (INCLUDING INCOMING FRESHMEN) who have not signed up for shifts or would like to sign up for additional shifts should follow the link below.  There is no maximum number of shifts a parent or band student can sign up for, so take as many as you can work! We’re using to organize our shifts.  Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:   1) Click this link to see our SignUp: 2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like. 3) Sign up! It’s Easy –… Read More »HELP NEEDED: HHS Music Booster Fireworks Stand June 27-July 5

Band Camp 2024 and Band Calendar 2024-2025

This link will take you to a list of all the dates you need to know for next year.  Please add them to your family calendar.  The second page has more information on our summer band camp that all new and returning students attend (August 19-23, plus August 17 for percussionists).  Some things to remember: The abbreviations for each class WE – Wind Ensemble SB – Symphonic Band (most incoming freshmen except drummers are here) PE – Percussion Ensemble (all drummers, including freshmen) JB – Jazz Band Symbols for Required vs. Optional X – attendance is required for all students in that class O – the event is optional and not graded, but could count toward earning your varsity letter in band S – some students from the class may… Read More »Band Camp 2024 and Band Calendar 2024-2025

The Jazz Vault- The HHS Music Boosters Annual Benefit Dinner, Auction, and Concert – Saturday, April 27

Please join us for an evening of Jazz music performed by our Hockinson HS band students, dinner from Heathen Brewing Feral Public House, and fundraising with the Music Boosters! We will transform the HHS Commons and welcome you into the Jazz Vault Saturday, April 27th at 6:30pm. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased using this link. Please share the link with family, friends, and community members. Seating is limited and tickets will quickly sell out! Guests can expect: An inspiring selection of Jazz songs performed by our talented student musicians and directed by Mr. McEnry. A delicious catered dinner buffet from Heathen Brewing Feral Public House. Dessert dash- guests work together at their table to bid the highest for their favorite… Read More »The Jazz Vault- The HHS Music Boosters Annual Benefit Dinner, Auction, and Concert – Saturday, April 27

Incoming Freshman Information for Forecasting

Dear Current 8th Grade Band Students and Parents,   Can you believe it?  We are over halfway through your 8th grade year and already talking about next year!  I hope you are as excited as I am to become the newest members of the award-winning Hockinson High School Band!   Earlier today, I visited the 8th grade band class during the school day to answer any questions regarding high school band and to encourage everyone to sign up for band next year.  I will be also attending the 8th Grade Forecasting Night at the high school on February 27th.  Since I am sure not everyone who has questions about band will be able to attend, I thought I would share this information with you.  If you have any further questions, PLEASE… Read More »Incoming Freshman Information for Forecasting