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Football Postseason Here We Come!

Dear Band Parents and Students, This is just a reminder that the band will be performing at the first postseason football game of the year this Friday against Centralia. The game will be held at Battle Ground Stadium at 7pm. All students will need to arrive at Hockinson High School no later than 5:30pm to change into uniforms.  The bus to the stadium will load at 5:45 and depart no later than 6pm.  We will ride the buses back to HHS after the game to change and pack up, and should be done around 9:30.  We do need all students to ride the bus to and from the stadium, as policy states that marching band uniforms are not allowed to… Read More »Football Postseason Here We Come!

Apply For The North County Honor Band

Dear Clark County Band Director, I hope your year is off to a great start! I’m writing to you in hopes that you will consider encouraging your students to apply for the third annual North County Honor Band!  All students in grades 8 thru 12 from any middle or high school in the Battle Ground, Camas, Hockinson, La Center, Ridgefield, Washougal, and Woodland school districts are invited and encouraged to apply. This year’s honor band weekend will take place Friday and Saturday, February 19th and 20th.  The groups will rehearse in the late afternoon/evening on Friday as well as the late morning and afternoon Saturday before performing a concert Saturday evening.  The middle school band will rehearse at Hockinson Middle School while… Read More »Apply For The North County Honor Band

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Dear Band Parents and Students,   I wanted to run down a quick list of reminders of upcoming events and deadlines.  Please email me back if you have any questions.   Fall Sports Pep Band:  We are continuing our tradition from last year of supporting fall sports teams in addition to football.  We are trying to put together a band for each of these games.  These games are not mandatory, but would could towards earning a band letter and, more importantly, show that we support more than just the football team.  As long as we have all parts covered we should be able to make it work.  Please check your schedules and sign up for games in the band room.… Read More »Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Husky Band Day Details

Dear HHS Band Students and Parents, I hope you’re all as excited as I am for Saturday’s Husky Band Day!  I wanted to pass on some last-minute reminders so that Saturday runs as smoothly as possible. Tomorrow’s home football game will run exactly like last week’s game.  3:45 practice, 5:00 dinner, 5:45 uniforms, 6:15 pregame, 7:00 kickoff, 8:15ish halftime, 9:30ish end of game. What time do I need to be at school? Chaperones and I will arrive at 5am.  You can arrive after that, but before 5:15am for sure.  We must be on the road by 5:30am to make our 9am rehearsal.  Chaperones are April Boneski, Linda Chan, Sidney Chan, DeeAnn Jurgens, Anna-Melissa Lyons, Sean Lyons, Janell Morley, John Morley, and Mary Morris. What do I need to wear? Please wear… Read More »Husky Band Day Details

Formal Wear for Wind Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, and Jazz Band Students

Good Evening Band Students and Parents, I hope you all received Mr. McEnry’s earlier emails about the upcoming band camp dates and times.  As disclosed in that email, I am providing you the information regarding formal wear costs and order deadlines. PLEASE TRY ON YOUR TUX OR DRESS FROM LAST YEAR TO MAKE SURE THEY FIT PRIOR TO ARRIVING AT BAND CAMP. For boys that will be playing in Percussion Ensemble, Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band, Mr. Formal will be available on Wednesday, August 19th at noon to do measurements for your tuxes. Ordering extra button covers and cuff links is a good idea, as they tend to get lost.  If you are unavailable during this time to get fitted you… Read More »Formal Wear for Wind Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, and Jazz Band Students