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Wind Ensemble Audition Information

Dear Students and Parents,   Beginning Monday, May 27 the Hockinson High School Band will be holding auditions for next year’s Wind Ensemble.  All interested students currently enrolled in either Wind Ensemble or Symphonic Band are invited and encouraged to audition.  Current 8th graders (next year’s freshmen) may be invited to audition by Mr. McEnry or Mrs. Ritenburgh on a space-available basis.  Auditions will serve the dual purposes of deciding who is accepted into Wind Ensemble and the order for chair placement.   Please see the Wind Ensemble Audition Sign-Up sheet on the band room office door to schedule a time to audition.  Auditions will be held during and after school, as well as during Focus.  Please show up AT… Read More »Wind Ensemble Audition Information

7th Annual Hockinson High School Music Booster Benefit Dinner, Concert, and Auction!

Reservations are now closed for the Hockinson High School Music Booster Benefit Dinner, Concert & Auction on Saturday, April 26, 2014.  If you still need to make payments for your reserved tickets, please email Highlights of this year’s Benefit Dinner include: A Musical Tribute to HOLLYWOOD BLOCKBUSTERS – The Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, and Jazz Band will entertain guests with fun music from some of the biggest films of all time! Gourmet Catered Dinner Gourmet Dessert Auction Deluxe Gift Basket Raffle Silent Auction Fun Deluxe Dinner Setting Questions?

Tempo Markings and Changes for Symphonic Band music

Prairie Dances:  160 Prelude and Fugue:  120 (or 60 in cut time) Ayres of Agincourt:  84 (m. 1-10), 96 (m. 11-22), 66 (m. 23-66), 96 (m. 67-74), 80 (m. 75-136), 92 (m. 137-142), 120 (m. 143-168), 88 (m. 169-end)

Tempo Markings and Changes for Wind Ensemble music

Handel in the Strand:  120-130 Shenandoah:  50 (m. 1-11), 58 (m. 12-22), 63 (m. 23-31), 50 (m. 31-34), 58 (m. 35-41), 50 (m. 41-46), 58 (m. 47-end) Puszta I:  72 (m. 1-A), 60 speeding up to 138 in 12 measures (A-B), 138 (B-C), 152 (C-D), 138 (D-F), F-end same as A-C Puszta II:  60 (m. 1-E), 76 (E-end) Puszta III:  152 (A-D), 88 (D-F), 152 (F-end) Puszta IV:  76 (m. 1-A), 84 speeding up to 120 in 8 measures (A-B), 160 (B-D), 76 (D-DS), 160 (DS-end)

Get Your Hockinson High School Band Sweatshirts!

We are now accepting orders for our brand new Hockinson High School Band sweatshirts.  Please click here to view the order form.  Sweatshirts are $25, or for $30 you can get a personalized one (see order form for details).  Please make checks out to the Hockinson Music Boosters.  All order forms and payments must be turned into the Music Booster mailbox in the band room by Friday, November 22.