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Hockinson High School Band Program 1st ANNUAL Mattress SALE Fundraiser Event 2013

SUPPORT OUR BAND!! WHAT:  MATTRESS SALE FUNDRAISER EVENT WHERE:  HOCKINSON HIGH SCHOOL COMMONS WHEN:  10AM – 5PM   On SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26TH, 2013 our Hockinson High School Band Program is pleased to host a one of a kind fundraising event.  This event  has been VERY successful in School Districts nationally and locally over the last 7 years, and we now have the opportunity to run this event here at Hockinson School for the FIRST TIME! We are very excited about this fundraiser for many reasons: The students do not have to sell anything! The students do not have to collect any money or be responsible for any product distribution! It is a one day event that should raise us several thousand dollars!!!! There is no out… Read More »Hockinson High School Band Program 1st ANNUAL Mattress SALE Fundraiser Event 2013

Upcoming Band Events and Deadlines

Dear HHS Band Students and Parents,   I hope you’ve had a relaxing last few weeks of summer and are ready to start another fantastic year of band at Hockinson High School!  We start off the year with four, yes FOUR, major performances in the first THREE weeks, so I want to make sure you have all the information you will need for the first few days.   Freshmen and new students/parents:    I will warn you that you may feel a bit rushed the first few weeks of band.  With our first football game performance on the third day of school, we will jump right into rehearsals on the first day.  If you are feeling confused or overwhelmed when we… Read More »Upcoming Band Events and Deadlines

Check your email for an important message from Mr. McEnry

An important email was sent out on July 28 to all new and returning band members. If you did not receive the email, Mr. McEnry does not have your email address on file. Please be sure to email him at with your correct address so that you are kept in the loop about all that will be going on this year! In case you accidentally deleted the email, here is what it said: Dear Hockinson High School Band Students and Parents, Earlier this week, members of the Student Band Council made calls to all new and returning band students regarding our upcoming band camp August 12-16 from 9 to 4 (plus August 10 from 9 to 4 for all… Read More »Check your email for an important message from Mr. McEnry

Jazz Band Audition Results

Thank you to all students who turned in auditions for the 2013-2014 Hockinson High School Jazz Band.  Please click on the following link for a letter from Mr. McEnry containing the roster of those students accepted, as well as a short summer assignment for those students.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email Mr. McEnry.

Become a FAN and donate to the Hockinson Music Booster’s Fund-A-Note Drive!

Since tax support is not able to fund all the resources that are needed for a top-notch education FUND A NOTE offers a window into the band room needs as seen by the music director. Whether you are a parent, alum, staff or interested donor, please consider donating generously to support the purchase of a much-needed instrument to replace worn or damaged instruments. This year we are highlighting the need for a new TUBA! Please donate generously, and remember, donations to this cause are 100% deductible. We will happily furnish donor receipts for all donations. Questions?  Email Please click on the button below to make a donation.  We thank you for your support of music in Hockinson!