Hockinson High School Band Program 1st ANNUAL Mattress SALE Fundraiser Event 2013
SUPPORT OUR BAND!! WHAT: MATTRESS SALE FUNDRAISER EVENT WHERE: HOCKINSON HIGH SCHOOL COMMONS WHEN: 10AM – 5PM On SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26TH, 2013 our Hockinson High School Band Program is pleased to host a one of a kind fundraising event. This event has been VERY successful in School Districts nationally and locally over the last 7 years, and we now have the opportunity to run this event here at Hockinson School for the FIRST TIME! We are very excited about this fundraiser for many reasons: The students do not have to sell anything! The students do not have to collect any money or be responsible for any product distribution! It is a one day event that should raise us several thousand dollars!!!! There is no out… Read More »Hockinson High School Band Program 1st ANNUAL Mattress SALE Fundraiser Event 2013