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IMPORTANT BAND DATES AND INFO: 2023-2024 Calendar, Remaining Events, and Current/Summer Fundraising

IMPORTANT BAND DATES AND INFO: 2023-2024 Calendar, Remaining Events, and Current/Summer Fundraising Dear Current and Future HHS Band Students and Parents (yes even current 8th graders), As we enter the last weeks of school I thought a summative email with remaining dates, times, and locations as well as all the dates for next year would be appropriate.  This is a long email, but please make sure to open all the links you see as they contain crucial details. 2023-2024 Calendar and Band Camp Information This link will take you to a list of all the dates you need to know for next year.  Please add them to your family calendar.  The second page has more information on our summer band… Read More »IMPORTANT BAND DATES AND INFO: 2023-2024 Calendar, Remaining Events, and Current/Summer Fundraising

Spring Plant Sale – Orders Close May 28

The plant sale runs  May 15th thru May 28th.  Orders are all made through the website and new items will be added throughout the week. If they don’t have the vegetable start you are looking for, make sure to visit the site again later this week. Also make a note that the hanging baskets are always very popular (are are always beautiful) and could sell out again before the end of the sale. Get your orders for hanging baskets in early to assure you get one! Pick up of your plant order will be on May 30th from 4:00 – 6:00pm outside the band room.  Please make sure you or someone else can pick up your order during this time, as we cannot keep plants in the band room.… Read More »Spring Plant Sale – Orders Close May 28

Rummage Sale, Car Wash, and Bake Sale – Saturday, May 27 8am-3pm

Please reach out to family members and neighbors about donating items for our Rummage Sale on May 27th! Donations will be accepted May 22nd-26th outside the HHS Band Room, the District Office, and the Hockinson Community Center. Please also consider volunteering your help for the Rummage Sale, Car Wash, and Bake Sale using the links below. All proceeds will go directly to the Hawaii trip. There are several ways to help. If we all work together, we can make sure every student has the opportunity to perform in Hawaii in December! Student Volunteer Sign Up Parent/Community Volunteer Sign Up

Hockinson High School Music Booster Club Benefit Dinner, Auction, and Concert – Saturday, April 29

Tickets are now available for the 14th Annual Hockinson High School Benefit Dinner, Auction, and Concert on Saturday, April 29th, 2023. Please consider reserving your ticket, or reserve an entire table for 8 and fill it with your friends and family! A limited number of tickets are available for this event. Reserve yours today!   CLICK HERE TO ORDER YOUR TICKETS Support the Hockinson High Music Program by attending our Benefit Dinner! This is the HHS Music Booster’s MAIN fundraising event – so the level of financial support available for our music students depends upon the success of this event. In 2022 alone, the Music Boosters were able to supply the band program with over $40,000 from the benefit dinner to support music education at HHS. Plus, it’s… Read More »Hockinson High School Music Booster Club Benefit Dinner, Auction, and Concert – Saturday, April 29

8th Grade Forecasting Information

February 28th, 2023   Dear Current 8th Grade Band Students and Parents,   Can you believe it?  We are over halfway through your 8th grade year and already talking about next year!  I hope you are as excited as I am to become the newest members of the award-winning Hockinson High School Band!   Earlier in February, I visited the 8th grade band class during the school day to answer any questions regarding high school band and to encourage everyone to sign up for band next year.  I will be also attending the 8th Grade Forecasting Night at the high school on February 28th.  Since I am sure not everyone who has questions about band will be able to attend, I thought I would share this information with you.  If you… Read More »8th Grade Forecasting Information