All band classes will be utilizing Schoology for grade reporting, calendar, and assignments this year. All students will need to be members of their specific class page (Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Percussion Ensemble, Jazz Band) as well as the Hockinson High School Band group. You should be automatically entered into your class. To join the Hockinson High School Band group, use the access code DJDQK-MV8BB. Items that are required for your class grade will be posted on your class page. All performances, booster events, and items that are not graded but count toward earning a band letter will be posted on the group page.
Charms is a program we use to contact families, keep track of fundraising monies, assign uniforms/instruments, etc. We recommend everybody logs into their Charms account and checks the information to verify it is correct, as we will use this to contact you.
In order to log into Charms:
– In the “Parents/Students/Members” area by Login, enter “hockinsonband” in the school code box and click “Enter”
- Your “Student Area” password should be your last name and first initial, all one word (for example, Corey McEnry would be mcenryc).
– If you have logged into Charms in the past, you may have changed your password. Enter the new password you have chosen. If you have forgotten your password or are having trouble, email Mr. McEnry and he will reset your account.
Once you are in the student area, be sure to change your password (blue button at the bottom of the page) and update your personal information. This info is what Mr. McEnry or the Music Boosters will use to contact you, so be sure to check carefully for errors.
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